

Syukur Alhamdulillah tahun ini Deyn dapat bepartisipasi di ajang Indonesia Fashion Week, kehormatan dan kebanggan luar biasa kami untuk menampilkan koleksi2 terbaik kami bagi khalayak lebih luas, khususnya our beloved dear deyn,, so be there @our booth no A 061

Deyn Scarf on Fashionese Daily

"Un-Mute the look with Tribal Scarf from Deyn" that's the fashionese daily said on their officialy twitter.

Fashionese Daily as the largest consumer generated media & women community network in Indonesia has review the Deyn Scarf!!! Glad to know they love and recommend our scarf.. we will post their review here...

They've tried and love the Deyn Scarf, it's your turn to play with our colorful and patterned scarf!

For complete review, please clink the link below,

Deyn for Hijabee Bazaar

Surabaya Rocks!!! hahahaa we are super excited with the respon of teh Deyn Scarf. Alamdulillah, Allah bless us with the love from the dear deyn, Surabaya citizen showed their big interest to our scarf, they are so friendly as well. We love them so much ;) we had a chance to meet Ms Ina Rovi and Ms uci Utami, they are so pretty and friendly (hope she like our gift) :d

Deyn for Sisterhood by Dian Pelangi

On July, 14th-15th 2012 Deyn Scarf get a chance to join the big event named Siterhood by Dian Pelangi. The event was so wonderful for us, it was not only because our product are mostly sold out but also we met you our dear deyn. The experience to meet you was precious for us, we receive a compliment, andvice ad critics as well from you.

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